Remote UX research services:

What you need to know

remote research using video conferencing tools

Remote research doesn’t just consist of usability testing. It is about making sure you are creating appropriate ways of working that do not solely rely on in-person communication. We’ve been conducting remote research in multiple projects using a range of methods.

Expert review (UX Audit)

An expert review or UX Audit is a great first step to get an impartial viewpoint on your product or service. We’re able to review your design remotely using industry recognised usability heuristics and produce a report highlighting issues by severity. We can then schedule a video call to go into more detail about our findings.


Remote contextual studies 

Contextual studies normally take place in the user’s natural environment, this can be at their homes or places of work. This method is a great addition to user interviews, as you’ll be able to observe how people do things rather than relying on what people say they do. With the current pandemic, visiting these places is not possible. However, through video calls, we can ask the users to show how they perform relevant tasks and what devices or products they use.


Remote service blueprinting

A service blueprints is a diagram that visualises your processes and services which highlight key steps and interactions from a customer’s perspective. They provide a comprehensive understanding and can be instrumental in identifying gaps and opportunities. We can create blueprints using tools such as Google Sheets, Mural and Miro.



Analytics and the user-experience go hand in hand. We can help you set up analytics and design an analytics strategy that provides insights from usability testing and other data sources to cross-inform and validate (or invalidate). Testing your product or service with target customers will help answer the ‘why/how’ questions, while analytics can compliment this by answering the ‘who/how many’ questions. 

Remote user interviews 

User interviews can be implemented at every stage of a project, however they are especially key during the discovery phase. The method gives you insight into who the users are and identify their needs. User interviews can be set up over the phone or through a video conferencing tool that is appropriate for the participant.


Remote journey mapping.

If you would like more insight in your customers’ motivations and pain-points around specific goals, then we can help you create an interactive visual journey-map. This technique is highly valuable and  will not only help you and your team see things from the perspective of your users, but it will also be extremely useful for identifying gaps and opportunities. 


Remote usability testing

If you want direct insight into how real users use your product or service, we can help you set up a usability study. Our trained moderators have experience in moderating both in person and remote usability studies using a variety of video conferencing tools. They use both qualitative (formative) usability testing and quantitative (summative) usability testing to identify any issues. After a round of usability testing we produce a report highlighting issues by severity. If necessary, we can then schedule a call to go into more detail about our findings.


Survey design

Surveys are easy to design... badly. We use years of experience to ensure each question is easily readable and the survey doesn’t overwhelm your customers. We guarantee your completion rate will increase as a result. 

Remote diary studies.

Understanding behaviour around certain tasks or events over time can be valuable in identifying attitudes and interactions with products and technology. We can design a diary that will ask the user to show and describe how they engage with your product or service over a pre-set period of time. This diary can be paper based with a disposable camera or online using WhatsApp and their phone camera. 


Remote Information Architecture (IA) design

Improve findability on your existing website or design from scratch using user-centred methods. We use online tools such as card-sorting to understand how people naturally group information and validate this using online tree-testing and click-tests.


Remote preference testing

Want some feedback on a new homepage or branding? Visual preference testing with a large sample of participants will help settle any discrepancies you may have on which design variation is better. 


Remote sentiment analysis

As experienced user-researchers, we are trained to avoid using research bias such, as positive or negative opinions, during our sessions. However, we also understand the value in complimenting our insights with user-generated content which can highlight key issues and natural language use.

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